We live in a society where The Economy is bad and there are thousands of people without a job. There are people that have been jobless for years or months. High school and college graduates are coming out of school hoping to get a job, but only to find that most companies are either not hiring or the old "Who you know and not what you know" is in full effect. Don't get me wrong, It is about WHO you know and not WHAT you know, but can't some companies just give young some people a break when they really want to work?! I mean I'm tired of looking in the career section of the newspaper and they asked for like 2 years of experience! Honesty, I think it shouldn't be about the experience, but your personality. Employers can easily train people who will learn quickly on the computer software and other equipment need for the job description. GIVE PEOPLE A BREAK!!
But for those who doesn't have a job, DON'T PANIC! Keep searching through the career section of the newspaper, applying for jobs online, calling employers about job positions or driving out in the community going to different places. But did you know you can still be a professional at home while out of work? Well you can and I'm about to list the five ways that you can be a successful professional without a JOB.
1) Dress the Part: Most jobs start at 8 or 9 and don't get off until about 5 in the evening. Now when you are at home, you should wake up that time, get dressed like you would normally do when you are actually at work. Instead of getting into your car, you will be hoping into the computer chair and go on as many websites as you can think of and apply for jobs. Then take your lunch break and get back at it again! Alot of people don't know that applying for jobs is actually a JOB! When you are at the computer, you go on different job sites and apply for jobs that may interest you; sometimes you may even call the employer for more information. It's all about being a professional wherever you go, even at home!
2) Create a blog: Now you probably are thinking "what if I don't write" Well that's the best thing about blogging. You don't really have to have some special type of writing structure. You can blog about anything you want; it's like telling a story to your audience. For instance, you can blog about your mall experience with your friends and you met a really cute guy/girl at the food court or your first day on the job. It'll be your own blog, your own thoughts, your own story! But blogging/writing will keep your mind on the right track so you won't have to think negative. It's a great positive energy drink! And trust me, you will love it!
3)Read Books: I love to read, but I haven't actually sat down to read some good books that I have brought from bookstores. Reading great books helps to sharpen your creative skills, knowledge and sometimes help you think positive about certain things in life. So don't be afraid to pick up a book every once in awhile!
4)Make business cards: Business cards is the main key when you are trying to get a job. You could be walking into a busy place of employment, and when you see people, take out your business card and pass them out. They are your guide and a mini interview on paper. Sometimes when professionals see that you have business cards, they may even consider calling you for a job position of interest. So during your free-time, take the time to create simple and easy to read business cards and keep them in your wallet or purse.
5)Network: All of us should be familiar with this term. A lot of people do this every single day! The more you network, the better chances for you to go on job interviews and get jobs. Even if you don't have one, I strongly encourage you to Network! It's like a door-opener for various companies. Verbally talking to people is a great way of expressing your interest of your career and goals.
Are you busy now? Lol These are some good ways to stay busy and still be professional while searching for jobs still!