"Stand Firm, Stand Tall, Believe in Yourself"
As women, we play a very important role in society. We smile, we laugh, we keep up with different fashion statements (sometimes) that makes us feel beautiful on the inside and out. We are beautiful creatures that God has created. It may seem as though women has to do a lot to please society and although this may seem true, we are EASILY BROKEN!!!
As we smile and say that things are okay and that things will be fine, we remain strong with our chest poked out while fighting and choking on tears on the inside. We try not to let too many people in the world see our weak sides, so sometimes we have to fake a smile to prove our PURPOSE. Women play many important parts in society. Being a woman can be a lot, but at the end of the day, we have made it! Also at the end of the day, all we want is to cuddle on the couch with a nice hot cup of coffee or tea, our favorite snack and pop in a movie.
Strong Women: We believe that we can get through any task that is thrown at us. We try to remain strong and not let the world define us. We don't allow negativity to come our way and when we do, we try to avoid it the best way we know how . We smile with fierce and boldness because we don't tolerate distractions that isn't worthy of our spiritual flesh. WE ARE STRONG!
A Mother: Mothers are God's precious gifts that He has created. At times this may be a hard task to fulfill because as mothers they are the backbone to families and to their children in the household. Children adore mothers and has a special bond/connection with them which fathers can't really relate to. They also look up to the mothers as great role models. They are nurturers as well as providers. They are the ones who take care of the children, cook, clean as well as pray over them when they seem to go astray. I like to refer to them as PRAYER WARRIORS!!!
Wife: A strong wife is a great supporter of her husband. She is the ultimate caregiver and great listener to certain problems and needs. She is the one that always say that everything will be alright. She tries her best to keep things at peace and organized in the household. The strong wife will always be their for her husband no matter the circumstance. The wife also tries to encourage and motivate as well as motivating herself.
As all of these positions play an important role in a woman's life, she still has her ups and downs as well. We are women with a DIVINE PURPOSE who wants to achieve all and do all. Some men don't truly understand the INNER motions that really goes on in a woman's head, what they are truly thinking and feelings that cook up in their heads. All they see is beauty, a pretty face, a pretty smile, a good personality and a good heart.
But in reality, a lot of women deal with things such as emotional distress, fears, insecurity, faith, jealousy and name-calling. There may be many more, but these are the basics. We go through on daily basis not knowing what the day will bring, who will try to bring us down, or which female will say something stupid to us to make us mad. But you can't let the "world" get you distracted.
Take a look at these "small distractors" a woman normally goes through and as I list them down and give a brief summary, ask yourself if you are going through the same thing now.
1) Emotional distress: You might be going through some rough times or have a lot of "tensed" feelings going around in your head that causes you to shed tears when you think about them. People may have hurt you in the past or in the present and you can't seem to quite get over it. Unresolved issues may be the case and you don't know what to do.
2) Fears: Something that you want to do in life but is scared to even try to achieve it may cause some confused thoughts. That's when the negativity starts to take over and you sometimes may feel a little depressed or worried, but with God on your side, everything will be okay.
3) Insecurity: You can be insecure within several areas in your life which can range from insecurity within yourself, insecurity in relationships or insecurity with family.
4) Faith: As strong women of God, our faith may not be what we want it to be because we first don't believe in ourselves that all things are possible. We must remain humble and patient and not let the worldly images distract us from what we really believe in.
5) Jealousy: OUCH! This may be a lot to handle at times, because as women, some of us get jealous when our mate is flirting with the waitress or talking to another female in whom we don't really know. It can be natural at times, but it can also be a deadly tool that can ruin some relationships. That is something that we have to work on on a day to day basis and to keep in mind that jealousy is the ugliest trait.
What is a woman of PURPOSE?
A woman of purpose is a woman that stands firm and holds her own. She finds passion for what she does and plants a seed of new beginnings. A woman of purpose is also in contact with her feminine side and is a strong woman of many things. She has a true divine purpose in life and won't stop until she has fulfilled her every dream and vision.
Three tools to fulfill the DESTINY
1) Stay Focus
2) Stay Encouraged
3) Stay in the Race
Patrice Rivers is an author, writer and blogger. She is a college graduate of Virginia State University 2009. Feel free to contact her at patricerivers09@gmail.com and you can also add her on facebook at www.facebook.com/LilWomanOnAMission
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