Why do people feel as if they have to hang out with certain people or join organizations for attention or just to be "accepted" because they feel like they do?
Sometimes you have to accept who you are and accept the fact that when you change for others, you are only hurting yourself. But the type of acceptance I am referring to is the type women go through to get that "certain" attention from that "certain" somebody.
As women, we tend to look at ourselves from head to toe. From our natural hair/weave to our figure. God made us all in His own eyes and trying to change a part of u so that you can please others isn't going to solve your problem. When you look in the mirror, you should see a beautiful creature. It's not about what the world think of u, but it's about how you portray yourself. Many men sometimes like women to look a certain way or to act a certain way; wanting our body size to be their fantasy. And as women, we try and loose weight/gain weight, dress a little differently so that we will feel "accepted" into the eyes of men instead of being ourselves.!
I feel that if a man can't ACCEPT you the way you truly are, they aren't worth the time. Ladies, stop trying to find love and acceptance! Let love find you! Let that RIGHT man accept not only PART of you, but ALL of you. Because when you start changing for all the wrong reasons, you start to feel a little different; you sometimes may worry and your self-esteem level gets lower.
When men can't accept the fact that God made who we are for a reason, then that's saying they can't really accept your hearts and personality. You got to remember that when in a relationship, make sure that they are actually feeling you and accept EVERYTHING about you. IF they can't MOVE ON! Never feel like you are missing out on something if a guys wants you to be a certain way because guess what? He's missing out on a wonderful opportunity!
As ladies, we got to represent and stand still and realize we are beautiful, strong and one of a kind! Can't no man change who and what you are! Acceptance can be a deadly weapon because once you change your image, your ways, your whole persona, your mind becomes weak when you are trying to fit into something or a place isn't of you.
Learn to accept who you are, what you will become in the near future and what God has called you to do on Earth. A lot of times some women don't like the way they look, they don't like the way they dress, their hair isn't the way they would like it to be or some women might complain about the way their body is shaped. Stop complaining and LEARN TO ACCEPT. We sometimes stress and worry about our bodies and whether he or she will like you, but all that doesn't matter.
"God grant me the serenity to ACCEPT the things I CANNOT change..."
If you keep these encouraging words in the back of you mind and in your heart, you will learn to become a stronger woman who can overcome and face any obstacle in your life. Remember, when others won't FULLY ACCEPT YOU, GOD WILL 200% and more! #REALTALK
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