Lil Woman on A Mission

Lil Woman on A Mission

Motivational Quote

"Commmitment leads to action. Action brings your dream closer" -Marcia Wieder

Just Me

Just Me

Contact Information

Author of "A Collection of God's Word and Motivation" and "Lyrical Passion Tears from my Inkwell" My first book is available on Connect with me on my fan page and enjoy my poetry!
Follow me on Twitter @LyricalFiYaH

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Well its the time of year again where we can finally put all of our winter clothes and accessories in the attic and take out all of our favorite summer clothes! Yes! It's officially summer and we all want to enjoy all of the adventurous things outdoors such as the beach, amusement parks, road trips, cook-outs and yes the pool! We have been shopping for the perfect pair of shorts, tank tops, flip-flop/sandal and sundress. But whatever we buy, we all want to sport our favorite gear.

Temperatures that are raging in the high 90's; possibly 100's can be a problem for some people. As the heat wave continues, you must remember that if you are outdoor, bring a bottle of cold crisp water to quench your thirst and to dry the sweat beads off your forehead. Some of us have been planning all year long where they want to take their vacations at and as family travel across the border to spend time with other family, friends and loved ones, the only thing we can do is laugh and smile because its SUMMER!!!

As you scroll down to the beach or waterfront, everyone is swagged out and stunting their fabulous shades and sandals. Friends hang out on the strip just soaking up the sun and sharing unforgettable memories of a lifetime. Some may be waiting in line to get ice cream, a great treat for the summer that will melt at the tip of your tongue. And lets not forget the different flavors of Popsicles or freeze pops which the kids love soo dearly. As you walk a little further down the beach, you may find many women soaking up the sun getting a tan, kids playing in the sand, people laughing and screaming in the water or maybe people surfing. There is always some type of activity going on a the beach. Everyone is trying to enjoy their vacation time while it lasts and not thinking about stressful situations at work or unsolved problems. Its all about having FUN!!!

What are some of your favorite places/states to go visit for the summer? Some may say Florida, Vegas, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Jamaica or maybe the Bahamas. If you are going to a new place this summer, make sure you soak up all the time with fun and pictures! You can always rely on that one particular person to have a camera!

So whatever fun things you have planned this summer, whether its the beach, traveling, the amusement parks, hanging out with friends and family or going to cook-outs, just remember to stay cool and keep yourself hydrated. And remember to HAVE FUN!!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

"STOP Procrasinating, Just do it!"

When opportunities comes knocking at the door, you better answer it with open arms! God sends us opportunities everyday and sometimes we don't even realize it. He gives us opportunities to make all of our dreams come true if we really put out mind to it filling our heads with good ideas that may lead to long-term goals, etc. But when you have a clear understanding of your goals and dreams....GO FOR IT! REACH FOR THE SKY! Nothing is holding you back! Get to work!

You wake some mornings and realize that you haven't written Chapter One of your new book and in your mind you want to have it finished in six months. So every morning, every afternoon and every night you walk pass your coffee table and stare at the blank pages of possibilities. You carry on with your life journey realizing you have a huge project to complete. Procrastinating can be about anything whether its writing a book, going to the gym, making a doctors appointment, cleaning the house, doing yard work, calling a friend, etc. The more you put your task (s) off, the more guilty you will start to feel. But the sooner you get it done, the less relieved you will start to become. I know there are times when we feel lazy and we don't feel like doing anything,but at some point of time, we have to accomplish what we plan to do. So the next time you have a task to do and you have a thought about putting it off til later, tell yourself this: "No! I will not let this slide! I'm going to complete this task and succeed at it!"