Where art thou to be in this world?
Away from the evil that has done us wrong.
Showing no fear and continuing to walk a straight path, keeping your head lifted high and shoulders hunched up high.
Remaining patient and keeping the faith when swirls of trouble eats away at your soul and mind,
Making you weak and at night crying.
Denying all the trouble , the pain,
You should know that God's work isn't a game.
You wanna be free of everything that's shackling you up in life.
Free from the past that won't let you go,
There is a God, and awesome God, I want you to know.
Rise up again all ye people.
Raise your hands proudly, willingly, you wanna be set free. Ask God to set your mind, soul and body free; you wanna be free from anything that's hindering you from moving on,
Plant that seed of a new start in your life; get the sowing.
Unloose yourself from these shackles that are tying and weighing you down like heavy boulders with string tied to your ankles; and every time you take a step foreword, you fall back down. The devil want you to go backwards,
But after you continue to praise God, all the destruction of the enemy will vanish afterwards.
How many souls want to be saved from all the harm and danger?
Pick up the spiritual phone, He is not a stranger.
Pick yourself p and dust your body off. You've been down in the dirt too long, you've been bleeding too much.
God will pick you up and carry your weak body on His back,
The strength and protection from the wars of hell; you won't have to lack.
As He blows air and breathes life back into your body, you feel stronger,
You ask God, "How much of this will I have to deal with the storm, how much longer?"
He lets you sleep peacefully on His heart telling you not to worry anymore,
You won't have to put shackles upon your life anymore.
Unloosen the Shackles in your life, in your heart, on your soul; inhale, exhale,
All you have to do is rely on God, He will never fail.
Unloosen the Shackles so you can find happiness again,
Let the fresh morning dew of His power in your newness of purity begin.
Let there be no more heartaches, headaches,
Let's learn to live life and not hate, but have 200% of believing in fate.
When we were at our lowest and no one couldn't help us;we were dirty individuals,
The only thing up ahead we could see were the deadly visuals.
Face covered with dirt and tears but we never showed fear,
Don't you know that God will always be near?
You're free!
Can't you see?
Don't look back at these wars that are like a football game filled with tackles,
Stop right now and UNLOOSEN THE SHACKLES!
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